Capuchin Franciscan Province of St. Joseph

Capuchin Franciscan Province of St. Joseph

Detroit, MI, USA
Capuchin Franciscan priests lay hands on friars Truong Dinh, Francisco Javier Rodriguez and Nathan Linton during ordination.

Answering God's Call

We give thanks to God ahead of time for the ministry of three friars ordained to the priesthood this year.
3 min read
A color aerial photograph of the campus of St. Lawrence Seminary in Mt. Calvary, Wisconsin.

Our Noble Alma Mater

St. Lawrence Seminary dates back to before the Civil War. Its Alumni Association fosters fraternity and connectedness to the school and the Capuchin Franciscans.
3 min read
Color landscape photo of friars and guests arriving at the Capuchin Center in Milwaukee for the First Annual Questors Club.

First Annual Questors Club Meets

The first meeting of the Questors Club is in the books and the date is set for the next meeting on April 25, 2024 at the Capuchin Center in Milwaukee.
2 min read
Br. Gary and Br. Tien greet the new friars from Africa and India and explain a bit about the Capuchin Soup Kitchen.

Province Receives New Friars

Through our collaboration with Capuchin Provinces in India and Africa, the Province of St. Joseph is pleased to welcome four additional friars to minister alongside us here in the American Midwest.
1 min read
A color landscape photo of a volunteer moving a cart loaded with backpacks during the back-to-school drive distribution.

Rosa Parks Program Helps Children Return to School

The Capuchin Soup Kitchen engages benefactors and volunteers on a mission to equip children for success in school and in life...
1 min read
Logo of the Capuchin Franciscan Province of St. Joseph

Around the Province

News and updates from around the Province of St. Joseph
2 min read
Br. Mark Joseph Costello, OFM Cap., Provincial Minister, Capuchin Franciscan Province of St. Joseph

From the Provincial Minister

By the time this issue of Sandal Prints reaches you, Easter will have come and gone, and spring will be in full bloom. In keeping with spring renewal, this edition focuses on newness and rebirth around the Province.
1 min read
A photo of Arnaud Dadjo.

Is God Calling You To Be a Capuchin?

Is God calling you to be a Capuchin? Each year a small group of men set aside time to discern this question as they work together with the friars in our postulancy program.
5 min read
Exterior of Jefferson House in Detroit. It is a red-brick mansion in the Colonial style built in the early 20th Century.

A New Lease on Life

Residential Programs of the Capuchin Soup Kitchen provide new hope on the journey of recovery.
5 min read
Logo for the Questors Club

Join Us on Our Quest

When you say you’re on a “quest,” what does that mean? It might entail a harrowing, globetrotting search for something precious, like the golden fleece sought by Jason and the crew of the mythic Argo.
2 min read