From the Provincial Minister
Message from Friar Mark Joseph Costello, OFM Cap.
The Enduring Legacy of St. Francis
Eight centuries following his death, St. Francis remains one of the most influential figures in Christian history.
Serving the Northern Cheyenne
Learn about the Capuchins ministering among the Northern Cheyenne tribe in southeast Montana.
New Senior Dormitory at St. Lawrence Seminary Takes Blessed Solanus Casey as Patron
Construction in full swing on Blessed Solanus Casey Hall at St. Lawrence.
Around the Province
Follow updates from around the Province of St. Joseph.
Leaving their Mark
Varied experiences, ministries of senior friars now living at St. Fidelis a reminder of the gift of vocation and their lasting impact on the Province of St. Joseph
Sharing Solanus, Heart-to-Heart
Br. Peter reflects on his first years in ministry at the Solanus Casey Center: St. John Newman’s motto was “heart speaks unto heart.” Father Solanus Casey had a way of connecting heart-to-heart with those around him.
American Capuchins Gather in Colombia
Capuchin leaders from across the Americas gathered in Colombia earlier this year to discuss and plan greater collaboration across Provinces.
Around the Province
News and updates from around the Province of St. Joseph