Capuchins Welcome Two New Friars into the Order

With joy and gratitude ahead of time for the blessings to come from their lives of contemplative prayer and service to the people of God, the Province of St. Joseph welcomed two friars into the fold this fall.
On September 16, 2023 friars Igor De Bliquy, OFM Cap. and Layola Keerthivasan Francis, OFM Cap. professed solemn vows and joined the Order of Friars Minor, Capuchin. Brothers Igor and Layola were joined by the friars of the Province, their families and a representation of the faithful at St. Bonaventure Chapel in Detroit, followed by a reception in the dining room of the Solanus Casey Center.

The brothers professed vows of poverty, chastity and obedience before friar Mark Joseph Costello, OFM Cap., provincial minister of the Province of St. Joseph. Br. Igor, of Belgium, ministers at the Solanus Casey Center and also holds the role of Director of Communications for the Province. Born in South Africa, Br. Igor served in the armed forces of Belgium and later as a diocesan priest before entering formation in Europe and living as a novice in California.

Br. Layola lives in the Capuchin formation house in Chicago's McKinley Park neighborhood, where he studies for the priesthood at Catholic Theological Union in Hyde Park. In addition, he serves on the St. Lawrence Seminary ministry council and as a chaplain at Franciscan Health Munster just across the state line in Munster, Indiana. Br. Layola works to provide spiritual and emotional needs of patients and their families as well as the hospital staff. He works to build bridges with various faith communities while protecting privacy and confidentiality. Br. Layola contemplates and seeks to emulate Jesus’ holistic approach to those who were suffering, recognizing the multifaceted aspects of sickness.
Join us in prayer as we seek the intercession of our Seraphic Father Francis, Blessed Solanus Casey and Servant of God Stephen Eckert to bless the ministry of these newly- professed friars.