"And the Lord Gave me Brothers..."

Capuchin Province blessed with new postulants, novices, friars, deacons and priests.

The Midwest Capuchins are experiencing a remarkable bump in vocations, with nearly a dozen postulants taking the initial step on their formation journey. In addition to the growing number of postulants, the North American-Pacific Capuchin Conference (NAPCC) novitiate program in California welcomed a new novice from our Province. We celebrated new professions, and ordained both new deacons and a new priest. This vibrant influx of vocations reflects a deepening commitment to the Capuchin charism and its enduring appeal to those seeking a life of poverty, chastity and obedience following the Rule of St. Francis.

Postulants and Novice take First Steps Following Footsteps of St. Francis

The Capuchins have been blessed with one of the largest postulancy classes in many years. Nine men from three different provinces, five of which were from the Province of St. Joseph, are participating in this one-year program at St. Francis of Assisi Monastery in Milwaukee. Here, the men learn about Franciscan spirituality, the Rule of St. Francis and the Capuchin Constitutions, while living in community and working in social service ministries in the city.

Scott Cotto, OFM Cap. is invested in the Capuchin habit by Provincial Minister Friar Mark Joseph Costello, OFM Cap.

At the same time, one of last year’s postulants moved on to the NAPCC novitiate in Santa Ynez, California. Br. Scott Cotto, OFM Cap. was invested over the summer along with novices from the North America and Asia-Pacific regions.

First Profession and Jubilees

On a beautiful, sunny Saturday in late July, five Capuchins were joined by their families, friends and Capuchin brothers at St. Lawrence Chapel in Mt. Calvary, Wisconsin as the friars celebrated their religious jubilees. The friars celebrated a combined 250 years of professed religious life.

Friar Arnaud Dadjo, OFM Cap. (center) with Provincial Vicar Bill Hugo, OFM Cap. (L) and Igor De Bliquy, OFM Cap. (R).

At the same time, the Province welcomed Friar Arnaud Dadjo, OFM Cap. as he professed his simple vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Br. Arnaud had spent the prior year as a novice and will continue his formation at our house of studies in Chicago.

Profession of Solemn Vows

A few months prior, the Province was honored to have the Provincial Minister of the Amala Annai Province in India, Br. A. Anthonysamy, OFM Cap. with us at Capuchin Retreat Center. Br. Anthonysamy was with us for the profession of solemn vows of Br. Daniel Viyakularaj, OFM Cap. of the Amala Annai Province. Br. Daniel, a member of the Amala Annai Province, is a guest of our Province as he studies at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago and is part of our St. Clare Community. The Profession was live-streamed for Br. Daniel’s family, friends and Capuchin brothers back home in the Tamil Nadu region of India.

Friar Daniel Viyakularaj, OFM Cap. at his solemn profession.

Diaconate Ordinations

Just a few days after Br. Daniel’s profession, the Province joyfully celebrated the ordination to the transitional diaconate of friars Alwin Anthonysamy, OFM Cap. and Baudry Metangmo, OFM Cap. Alwin and Baudry, studying at our formation house in Chicago, were ordained at St. Bonaventure Monastery Chapel in Detroit on June 1 by Most Rev. Jerome Feudjio, Bishop of St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Friars Baudry Metangmo, OFM Cap. (L) and Alwin Anthonysamy, OFM Cap. (R) pose with Bishop Feudjio at their Diaconate Ordination at St. Bonaventure Chapel.

We ask for your prayers for these men as they continue their Capuchin formation and express our gratitude for many blessings God has given us.